
What Are Animals With Opposable Thumbs And Binocular Vision

Mr. Scanlon's Biology Form

  1. Objectives
    1. Students volition compare and dissimilarity the physical characteristics of both Primates and Humans.
    2. Students will write an essay explaining why 3 human characteristics are pregnant.
    3. Students will learn why "Lucy" is significant for human evolution.


    1. Objectives 1 and ii, cess of activity 1 tin can be made by the evaluation of the educatee essays.
    2. Objective 3, assessment of "Lucy" tin be made by the evaluation of the student answers to activeness 2.

Human Development


Evolution is a theory that states; over fourth dimension things change. Nature has produced ways that crusade the genetic makeup of creatures to vary. Some of these variations give a animate being an advantage over others, allowing him to survive better and have more than offspring. These genes are proficient genes and are passed on more than than others. Other less adaptive variations tend to be expressed less frequently. It is the buildup of these good variations that causes a population to alter over time. Fifty-fifty though we tin identify these changes in many species, it is hard to believe that nosotros (humans) accept gone through this same procedure.

  • Primates Characteristics
  • Human Characteristics
  • Ancestors

Primate Characteristics

There are a number of different animals that fall into the order primate. Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Orangutans are merely a few. Well, nosotros are also primates. Only, do you know why we are considered primates? All primates have the post-obit characteristics.

  • Opposable thumb: Humans, apes, and other primates have grasping hands with opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs tin can affect the tip of each finger, enabling primates to easily dispense objects and apply a variety of tools. Different human being hands, the easily of gorillas and other apes are adapted for both walking and grasping.
  • Finger nails
  • Single birth
  • Binocular vision: Notice how on the forward facing skull the middle sockets are both looking frontward giving this blazon of creature the ability to guess depth.
  • Expanded forebrain: Expect at a side view of a skull and observe the size of the cranium. The size of the attic tells u.s.a. how large the brain was. Primates accept very large forebrains.

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Human being Characteristics

Many people do not like to remember of us every bit primates. People like to should how different we are from the other primates. It is the concrete differences that brand united states unique. But, do you know what some of these differences are? The following list will describe some of the major differences.

I. Brain Size: Our brain size averages 1,350 cm3, whereas a chimpanzees' is only about 350 cm3.

I. Straight Face: Our nose and mouth are almost straight down from our eyes, whereas that of other primates jut out.

III. Small Jaw and Teeth: Even though we take the same number of teeth as chimpanzees, their teeth are much larger.

IV. Foramen Magnum: This is the opening at the base of the Cranium that the spinal cord comes out of. It is directly underneath the skull, which shows we are built for upright walking. The foreman magnum of other primates is moved further towards the dorsum of the skull.

V. Curved Spine: Our spine is curved which helps us walk upright. Other primates take direct spines.

Half dozen. Short Arms/Long Legs: In that location is a ratio betwixt the sizes of the artillery compared to the legs. A gorilla's artillery are much longer than his legs, whereas our arms are shorter than our legs.

7. Big Toes: We are the simply primate who has his large toes in line (going the same manner) with the other toes. The other primates accept opposable large toes.

Activity 1

At present it is time to answer a question!

Selection out three homo characteristics you believe to be the most significant and submit to me a short (one page) essay explaining why.

Elevation of Folio


Action ii

Many scientist believe the link betwixt apes and humans was a genus named Australopithecus. Australopithecus lived between 3 and 5 million years ago. Now you need to learn more about these creatures by reading well-nigh Lucy. I want you to go to the post-obit site and read the commodity on Lucy. Equally you practice, please answer the post-obit questions.

  1. Where was Lucy found and past whom?
  2. How practice we know Lucy is more like us than other primates?
  3. Practice nosotros believe Lucy was killed by another beast for nutrient?
  4. What method of dating was used to determine how onetime Lucy is?

Homo habilis

Homo habilis was the first primate to have enough physical characteristics to be put into our genus of Homo. He appeared about 2 million years ago. His brain size was only 500 to 700 ccm. He was the first to brand tools.

Human erectus

Homo erectus showed up near ane.five million years ago. His brain capacity was 800 cm3. You may know him nether some dissimilar names, Java man, or Peking homo. He fabricated much more refined tools than H. habilis. They were the first to utilize burn. It was H. erectus that appears to accept moved out of Africa into Eurasia.

Neanderthals: Man sapiens

Neanderthals showed upward about 230,000 years ago and were around up to about 30,000 years ago. They lived in Europe, Eastward and Primal Asia. Even though the skulls were much thicker than ours today, their brain size was larger, 1,500 cmthree.We have found bear witness of Neanderthals that buried their expressionless.

Modern Man: Man sapien sapien

You may know him as Cro-Magnon man because he was originally institute in a cave virtually Cro-Magnon, French republic. Gone was the heavy thick boned skull, protruding forehead ridge, slanting forehead and coarse thick jaw. He appeared about 40,000 years ago. Between x,000 to 20,000 years agone he produced the famous cave drawings. He was a hunter and gatherer. At some point not too long ago he began to domesticate plants and animals.

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Related Sites

Fossil Hominids

Human Prehistory

Contact Data
Edward Scanlon
Site concluding updated: March xx, 2001


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