
Better Homes And Gardens Cookbook 1974

Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Cover

Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: Who grows your food--and how well do they do it?

Pages: 2, 48, 49


Who grows your food--and how well do they do it?

Those who suggest a food shortage specter contend the U.S. is already using most of its farmable land. And they doubt that future yield increases can equal those of the past.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: SOME EXPERT ANSWERS TO COMMON TAX PROBLEMS

Pages: 6, 8, 10, 11, 53



Each year, taxpayers ask the Internal Revenue Service literally millions of questions. To help in your tax planning, Better Homes and Gardens presents here some of the most frequently asked questions-- and the IRS answers. If you need additional information in specific areas, contact your local IRS office or see your personal tax adviser ...

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: How to save gas when you drive

Pages: 12, 115


How to save gas when you drive

Remember the days when full-size cars got 18 miles per gallon? The sedans of five and six years ago were that efficient, but today the same size car is doing well to get two-thirds of that mileage. Much of the blame can be placed on the extra weight of required safety features, emission control devices, and the lower compression ratios necessary for cleaner burning 91-octane low-lead fuel.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: THE FACTS ABOUT INTERLOCKS

Pages: 16, 19, 20



The legislatively ordered arrival of seat belt interlock systems on 1974 cars has been greeted by most consumers with a decidedly low level of enthusiasm. But the fact remains that interlocks are an unavoidable part of every new car, and making their use mandatory does constitute an important safety advance.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: How to make your battery last longer

Pages: 16, 20, 22


How to make your battery last longer

As long as the car starts, the radio plays, and the lights shine, few people give their car's battery a thought. But like any other automotive system, the battery needs regular care and maintenance to deliver faithfully throughout its service life.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: Cleaning your car's interior

Page: 22


Cleaning your car's interior

In winter your car's upholstery and carpeting are subjected to punishment beyond the everyday wear and tear. Wet or muddy boots and clothing add soil to the stains produced by spilled hamburger catsup or coffee. If long neglected, these stains become almost impossible to remove.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: DOES YOUR DOG NEED TO DIET?

Page: 26



An overweight dog has no one to blame for his condition but his loving owner. Occasionally the excess weight is caused by a glandular problem, such as a thyroid condition, but this is relatively rare. If your dog is overweight, he is simply taking in more food than he needs. Before you shrug off his obesity as inevitable, or even cute, give some thought to what it's doing to him.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: 14 HARMFUL MYTHS ABOUT HEART DISEASE

Pages: 30, 32, 34



The statistics are frightening, the outlook gloomy. An average of 1,400 Americans struck down daily by heart disease. Incidence on the upswing. No miracle cures in sight. Causes in question. Add contradictory findings, unproven theories, and some conflicting opinions-- and heart disease takes on the earmarks of a relentless killer against which there is no defense.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: HOW TO GET YOUR FIRST PERSONALIZED HOUSE

Pages: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47



No, it's not an impossible dream, in spite of the many challenges facing you, it's still possible to build a home that's personalized to your family's needs, habits, and budget. The formula: large amounts of planning, shopping, sacrificing, comparing, and persevering.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: GOOD NEWS

Pages: 54, 56, 58



Make your own brightly colored appliqués and apply them directly to fabrics with this color-transfer kit. The process is simple: Using: the special crayons in the kit, color in one of the patterns furnished (or draw your own pattern on white paper).

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AT HOME

Page: 61



Even if your budget won't accommodate a trip to Europe this year, you and your family can reap some of the educational benefits of international travel for the cost of a cup of coffee. How? By inviting visitors from abroad into your home.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: Decorating with plants: how to make a house grow beautifully

Pages: 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 119


Decorating with plants: how to make a house grow beautifully

Once you see how plants can make a room come to life, you'll wonder how you ever got along without them. Sure, plants have always been around-- a bowl of ivy here, a potted philodendron there. But, decorating with plants is something different.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: Houseplants Showy and Surefire

Pages: 72, 73, 116, 118


Houseplants Showy and Surefire

Getting a good show from houseplants doesn't require a lot of space or a lot of time-- not if you confine your selection to a few carefully chosen performers. Choose some for interesting foliage, others for attractive flowers.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: Houseplants that come to dinner

Pages: 74, 75


Houseplants that come to dinner

Next time you need a centerpiece, look no further than that sunny window ledge where your houseplants live. Growing plants are a continual source of midwinter table decorations. To dress up plain pots, there are literally hundreds of flowerpot covers. Or, you can turn things you already own into containers (like our collection of pewter goblets) or craft one-of-a-kind covers with your own hands.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: Personal touches for your personal kitchen

Pages: 76, 77


Personal touches for your personal kitchen

Every kitchen needs a range, refrigerator, sink, some work space, cabinets, and a good floor. But making a kitchen one of a kind is another matter. For that, you need to reach into your personal bag of tricks, whether your forte is design, sewing, or color.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: PENNYWISE BOUTIQUE

Page: 104



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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: AMERICAN WINES AND WINE COOKING

Page: 104



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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: BUILDING IDEAS Spring/Summer 1974

Page: 104


BUILDING IDEAS Spring/Summer 1974

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: Save money or your heating bill this winter

Page: 114


Save money or your heating bill this winter

Everyone is concerned these ... with cutting his budget wherever possible. For starters, here ... tips to whittle your heating ... this winter.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: How to order material from the magazine

Page: 120


How to order material from the magazine

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: Better Homes Shopping editor's choice

Pages: 122, 123, 126, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149


Better Homes Shopping editor's choice

Discover the ease and pleasure of shopping by mail. Order from the convenience of your own home with complete confidence. If not delighted, each company will happily refund your money.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: Shopping Editors Choice ... Gatalogs. ...

Pages: 124, 125


Shopping Editors Choice ... Gatalogs. ...

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Article: The man next door

Page: 150


The man next door

Just remember that beneath all that accumulation of ice and snow lie the crocuses, daffodils, and chuckholes that will announce the arrival of spring.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1974 Magazine Cover


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Better Homes And Gardens Cookbook 1974


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